Homemade Hemp Milk

Prep Time 5 min


  • 1 cup hemp seeds
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 tsp ground ground vanilla bean or extract
  • optional: strain through a cheesecloth


  1. Throw everything in the blender and blend for 90 seconds or so. I used a Vitamix
  2. Lay the mesh strainer across a large bowl
  3. Put the cheesecloth over that.
  4. Slowly pour the milk out of the blender giving the cheesecloth time to drain the liquid. You may have to give the cheese cloth a little squeeze to get all the liquid.
  5. Repeat until all the liquid has been strained.


Recipe Notes

This is different from the almond milk because you will not have a leftover meal. All you are straining is the seed particles. You really can skip the straining process if you like. The seed bits will be small and barely noticeable. Either way works.

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