Today is the first day of my first ever juice fast. I am doing a juice every 2 hours and drinking water in between. I just made the yummiest juice, so I had to share the recipe! In case you are wondering which kind of juicer I have, it’s a Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor Super easy to use and clean! On to the juice.
This was the first time I had juiced a sweet potato. I have no idea why I waited so long! Sweet potatoes make for some pretty yummy juice and actually go really well with beets.
Sweet and Tangy Orange Juice
1/2 large sweet potato
2 carrots
1 cucumber
4 stalks celery
1 bunch parsley
1 bunch rainbow chard
1 bunch red kale
1 lemon
handful of pineapple
1/2 inch piece of ginger peeled
Juice the ingredients in the order they are written. You can remove the peel of the lemon if you like, but you can leave it on as well. It contains a lot of nutrients. Personally, I use a knife and cut the peel carefully, leaving most of the white part intact. I have tried juicing the peel, but it was too bitter for me. Drink the juice right away. You can refrigerate it, but I have heard after 12 hours, some of the enzymes may be lost. I got about 20oz of juice. Enjoy!
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