Whenever I start something new, I always have the best intentions. Sometimes it doesn’t always work out. Healthy eating has been one of those things that has stuck. Here are some tips that help me stay on track.
1. Plan your meals – This will not only help you stay on track, but it will help you stay on budget as well. I plan all my meals before I go to the store so I only get items I need. It is also important to never shop on an empty stomach. You will be more likely to impulse buy that way.
2. Bring your lunch to work – This will also save you money. I try to batch cook on the weekends. Mostly soups in the crock pot and on the stove. I store them in serving sized containers so I can just grab them easily and put them into lunches.
3. Don’t keep junk in the house – If it’s not there to tempt you, you will not eat it. This is hard in the beginning, but I promise it gets easier.
4. Prep ahead of time – I always keep veggie sticks and hummus on hand in my fridge when I get a snack craving. Roasted chickpeas and nuts are another healthy option.
5. Try to limit your sugar intake – Sugar is addictive and encourages unhealthy snacking. The less you have, they less you will need to snack. Snacking on high fiber foods like nuts, seeds and vegetables will keep you full longer. Check out my tips on quitting processed sugar.
What are some of your best tips?
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