MadeOn Skin Care Review and Giveaway

Many of you already know that my baby girl suffers from eczema.  I know a lot of you have children who have issues as well.  In my daughter Olive’s case, we tried almost everything the doctor suggested and none of the creams and lotions alleviated it.  Some actually made it worse.  I was so excited when I heard about MadeOn Skin Care.  These products are specifically made for people who have very sensitive skin.

MadeOn Skin Care

I love that these are made from real ingredients that are edible so there is no fear if your child puts their fingers in their mouth after using them.

Olive 2

She loved putting the diaper balm and bee silk junior cream on.  Both my girls did as you can see here.  It works even better than Desitin ever did and it’s safer to use as well.  My daughter’s skin, which was rough and scaly with eczema, became super soft.

Olive 4

Olive 1

The Bee Silk bar is specifically made for dry and cracked skin.  I always have issues with dry and cracked skin this time of year.  I love that the bars are the perfect size to fit in your purse too.  These products would make perfect Christmas gifts or teacher gifts.  You can buy them in 5 packs of pocket sized bars or 5 packs of lip balms that would be great gifts, especially if you have a family member that suffers from eczema.

The giveaway is for a $50 gift certificate plus MadeOn Skin Care is also offering a discount code for all of you to use.  If you use the code: “wholefood”  you can get 15% off your order until November 3.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

MadeOn Skin Care

Open to US residents only.

Disclosure:  This post is sponsored by MadeOn Skin Care, but the opinions are my own.


30 thoughts to “MadeOn Skin Care Review and Giveaway”

  1. My daughter suffers from ezcema! Nothing seems to calm the flare up, and lately it's just been constant. She is itching all the time and doesn't get good sleep because of the itching. I would love to try MadeOn skin care.
  2. I am having a horrible time with my eczema right now. I would love to be able to try something new. Every since we moved to Texas it went crazy! I haven't had issues with it in 20 years. Ugh!
    1. Texas is well known for having the worst allergy cases. I live in TX as well. Have you tried eliminating foods from your diet? Eliminating dairy in my daughter's diet helped some.
  3. Both of my daughters have eczema. My younger daughter is so afraid of any lotions because they burn her eczema breakouts so I can't wait to try this!!
    1. This didn't burn my daughter at all and she has very sensitive skin. It's nice to find a good product. I hope it helps your daughter too. :)
  4. My daughter suffers from eczema and it is always the worst on her hands. We are still trying to find something that will work!
  5. Thanks for sharing this Melissa. My son has eczema and I have been trying coconut oil. It's only working a little. Can't wait to try this cream on him!
  6. I would love to win this for my youngest daughter who has been struggling with eczema. What she has been using isn't helping it go away. She has been trying to get rid of it for a couple months now!
  7. I have been dealing with eczema for almost 1 year now, at age 26! It's not fun. Haven't been able to find any products that make wonders yet. Maybe this would be the perfect product!
  8. I have a 21 year old daughter who suffers terribly. I am always on the lookout for products that can help her out. With moving into the cold season, it's getting worse for her and instead of trying to hide it, it would be nice if she could soothe it.
  9. This would be wonderful. My 14 month old son has been scratching so much lately he's been bleeding. I have an entire basket full of eczema 'failures'. Hope this stuff does the trick!

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