For those of you new here, my quest for a lot of different veggie burger recipes started after I wrote about Boca Burgers Exposed and also Morning Star Burgers Exposed. These chickpea and spinach burgers are another delicious Pinterest find! I found these on Her blog has some pretty amazing looking food. I suggest you go visit and take a look for yourselves. 🙂
My picture doesn’t look near as nice as hers, but I am still a newbie at the food photography thing. I promise these are so yummy and really easy to make. These would be great with a side of my Healthy French Fries.
Chickpea and Spinach Burgers
Chickpea and Spinach Burgers

- 1/2 cup chickpeas (drained, if using canned)
- 1/4 cup onion, diced
- 1 cup spinach, packed
- 1 T olive oil
- 1/2 T soy sauce
- 1 T oregano
- 1 T smoked paprika
- 2 T sunflower seeds
- 1 egg
- 1/4 cup whole wheat pastry flour
- 1/2 cup whole wheat panko bread crumbs
- pinch salt
- Combine chickpeas and onion in a food processor, pulse a few times to break up the chickpeas.
- Add in spinach, oil, soy sauce, oregano, paprika, and sunflower seeds, pulse a few more times.
- Add in egg, salt, flour, and bread crumbs, pulsing until mixture comes together and is well blended.
- Remove from food processor, run your hands under water, and shape patties.
- If grilling out, bake in an oven for 10 minutes in order to get a start on the burger. If pan frying, you can use right away.
- If pan frying, cook over medium-low heat for roughly 6-8 minutes on each side. The outside should be browned and crispy.
- I baked my patties in the oven at 350 for about 15-20 on each side. They were crispy on the outside and softer in the middle. They reminded me of falafel. I spread my White Bean Pesto on top of these and it was delicious!