Tropical Fruit Punch

Well you all know I love to juice, and I love my Breville juicer.  I use it daily.  This is perfect for hot days like we are having this summer here in Texas.

tropical fruit punch watermark

Tropical Fruit Punch

Tropical Fruit Punch

Prep Time 5 min


  • 1 1/2 cup mango sliced
  • 2 nectarines sliced with pits removed
  • 2 cups honey dew melon sliced
  • 1/2 lime


  1. Juice the fruits in the order of the ingredients. If you don’t have a juicer, you can blend everything in a blender .


Recipe Notes

I am sure it will be equally delicious that way! This juice would be great for backyard parties. Add a little vodka and you have a great adult beverage too. Next time I make it, I am going to pour the mixture into my popsicle molds .

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996 thoughts to “Tropical Fruit Punch”

  1. I absolutely LOVE reading your blog Melissa, so much so that I want to create one of my own. I wasn't sure quite where to begin, so I figured buying a domain might motivate me to fo something... well not yet, but I'll get there, hopefully before summer is out. I've learned I'm so much. I'm grateful for your blog and many others that have helped me on my way to great health. I can't wait until I can start inspiring others as well. We have an ENTIRE WORLD to educate! ;) I too recently start juicing, and would absolutely love to win this juicer. Good luck everyone!!! :)
    1. Thank you Heidi! Please let me know when you get the blog going so I can support it too. You are so right when you say, we have the world to educate! If you are wondering where to start, just start writing your thoughts from your heart. This was my very first blog post.
      1. Thanks so much! Your blog was one of the very firsts I start reading, and I've been hooked ever since! :) Clean living is something I'm very passionate about - and the more I learn, the more I want to share with those who will listen.
  2. OMG I almost missed this one! I would love to start juicing for my 1y/o baby, 5 y/o and myself and Husband! I love your site and now all my " healthy" friends love you too!!! Even one in UK!!! HA! Keep us posted on all the danger out there! I love seeing people's face when my five y/o tells them: " NO, THANK YOU... THIS IS NOT HEALTHY". Yours site definitely helps! now off to making more lababars:) Have a great day!
  3. Your website, along with 100 Days of Real Food, inspired me to change the eating habits for myself and my family. Love your site and thanks for what you do!! I plan on trying this recipe as a smoothie until I can get my hands on a juicer!! =)
  4. How WONDERFUL it would be to win a BREVILLE JUICER!!! :-) Would take healthy eating to a new level!!! Thank you! Have FABULOUS day!!! :-)
  5. Sugar free mom sent me over! I am currently drinking a "pumpkin, pear, sunflower butter, apple, orange, cucumber, carrot" not so smooth-smoothie! lol and would LOVE juicing! Pick me! Pick me! :)
  6. Thank you so much for your fabulous recipes. We eat the Granola almost every day (blueberry) and I have made your Tomato sauce and Pizza Sauce on flatbread. You have kid-friendly recipes that my kids like...unbelievable! But that's probably because they have been tried and tested with your munchkins! We would be so excited to win this Juicer, I hear Breville is a #1 brand (according to Kris Carr's "Crazy Sexy Cancer" books). Thanks again for sharing you healthy lifestyle with us and many blessings!

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