My daughter was home on Friday with a fever and cold. I decided to make her a little get well juice of oranges, carrots and ginger. I swear she was feeling much better the next day. So on Saturday, we got our co-op basket and it was packed with fruit, so I decided to make her another juice. Both my girls drank this up.
This is full of good stuff. Ginger is anti-inflammatory, a pain fighter and can help with nausea. Oranges can protect against heart disease, purify blood and keep your bones and teeth strong. Carrots can improve vision, prevent cancer and are anti-aging. Honeydew melon’s are anti-aging and rich in B vitamins which can help with immunity. Pears contain a good amount of B vitamins as well. Lemons can also boost immunity. So I thought this juice would do her some good. If you are wondering what kind of juicer I have, you can see it here.
Detox Juice
2 pears (cored)
2 carrots
2 stalks celery
2 nectarines (pits removed)
1 lemon (remove the rind leaving most of the white on)
2 cups honeydew melon cubed
1 orange (remove rind leaving most of the white on)
1 inch piece ginger
Juice all the ingredients in the order they are listed. If you want to add some greens, feel free. I have not been able to get my daughter to drink the green juice yet. I will keep trying though! Try to drink your juice within the first 12-24 hours to get the most benefits. If you go longer, some of the enzymes may be lost. I got about 25oz of juice out of this recipe. Enjoy!
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