Tropical Fruit Punch

Well you all know I love to juice, and I love my Breville juicer.  I use it daily.  This is perfect for hot days like we are having this summer here in Texas.

tropical fruit punch watermark

Tropical Fruit Punch

Tropical Fruit Punch

Prep Time 5 min


  • 1 1/2 cup mango sliced
  • 2 nectarines sliced with pits removed
  • 2 cups honey dew melon sliced
  • 1/2 lime


  1. Juice the fruits in the order of the ingredients. If you don’t have a juicer, you can blend everything in a blender .


Recipe Notes

I am sure it will be equally delicious that way! This juice would be great for backyard parties. Add a little vodka and you have a great adult beverage too. Next time I make it, I am going to pour the mixture into my popsicle molds .

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996 thoughts to “Tropical Fruit Punch”

  1. I love your blog with all your recipes! Would love to try juicing with all the great info i have heard about it!
  2. I love your blog! I liked both pages and now am commented that I did so. I would thoroughly enjoy a juicer.. My husband and I can't afford one but man wouldn't it be nice. Fingers crossed!
  3. Fingers, Toes and You Betcha even Eyes Crossed!!! I would so LOVE to start off juicing with an Awesome Breville!! Thanks so much for asking the company for this giveaway item for us! You Rock!!! =)
  4. i would love to win the juicer. i love smoothies and am trying to eat better and more healthier and this would be a great asset.
  5. Lots of "inflammatory " run generationally in the girls in family. Which raise havoc wiyh immune process and cancer. Ready to make some generational changes that hopefully gets passes down. A juicer would make an awesome start to exploring healthy natural remedies.
  6. Melissa, Thank you so much for all the great recipes! My old juicer just broke and I'm devastated that I can't juice anymore. I would LOVE to win the juicer and make all the healthy juices again!!!
  7. I really enjoy your blog and FB page...great ideas and recipes! Winning that Breville juicer would make me a very happy girl! My 15 year old Omega juicer is on its last leg and skips and hops all over the counter every time I make juice :/
  8. Yes please!!! Count me in!!! I would love to own this fabulous machine!! Thank you so much for such a great giveaway......LOVE this blog!!! Just found it yesterday through your cheez it's exposed article...LOVE it!!!
  9. I'd love to a real juicer!!! I have a blender but it doesn't always work and I'd love to give the kids these as popsicles :)
  10. I still say you need to write a cookbook - you are by far one of the best, and most inventive whole food "chef's" I've come across. (and since I've said it before, I'm not just sucking up for the juicer, lol

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