Tropical Fruit Punch

Well you all know I love to juice, and I love my Breville juicer.  I use it daily.  This is perfect for hot days like we are having this summer here in Texas.

tropical fruit punch watermark

Tropical Fruit Punch

Tropical Fruit Punch

Prep Time 5 min


  • 1 1/2 cup mango sliced
  • 2 nectarines sliced with pits removed
  • 2 cups honey dew melon sliced
  • 1/2 lime


  1. Juice the fruits in the order of the ingredients. If you don’t have a juicer, you can blend everything in a blender .


Recipe Notes

I am sure it will be equally delicious that way! This juice would be great for backyard parties. Add a little vodka and you have a great adult beverage too. Next time I make it, I am going to pour the mixture into my popsicle molds .

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996 thoughts to “Tropical Fruit Punch”

  1. I don't have my own website but I am so thankful that my neice shared yours with me. I am 70 now, semi retired and have longed for time to have a little "homestead" and now I have 1/3 acre lot and so enjoying my chickens, flower beds and vegetable gardens, plural because mostly there are here and there throughout the yard but because I get to have granny kids and great granny kids I like to have lawns and so enjoy the mowing, knowing that I am making my own compost materials. I can't make near enough compost on my land yet but I have 4 blueberry bushes, 4 fruit trees (in the front yard), Raspberries just starting, corn fields (one is 3' x 30' and the other is 8' x 10' sunspots in my yard). The grand kids are enjoying strawberries and peas, radishes and lettuce right now and we talk about the miracle of the seeds we planted a few wks back. They are very impressed expecially the 5 yr old but the 3 yr old loves eating too. And they love to run to see if there is any eggs yet! this is what I wanted to do for years and now enjoying it and enjoying sharing the experience and hope it will rub off on more of my family. I would love to juice too but don't own a powerful enough machine yet so of course would be fun to be able to do that too. My sister has told me about "green" drinks etc she makes so am going to try those in my blender and see how it works out. (like will it be drinkable) thanks for the opportunity to share and to enter your contest. Marion
  2. My little sister and I would put a lot of love into that beautiful machine! Couple of healthy, hard-working, and studious girls on a budget who dream of owning a top of the line juicer!
  3. I have owned juicers before but that my friends is the luxe of all juicers! (I 'like' you both on fb, if I win I will lobby for a fb 'love' button)
  4. I hope it's not too late to enter...I would love to have one of those juicers! I enjoy making your recipes with my daughter. They are easy to follow and always turn out great! Thank you!
  5. What an awesome give-a-way!! I really enjoy your blog and have tried quite a few recipes so far. Definitely trying the fruit juice in popsicles for the kids. I love giving them healthy, nutritious things. I currently use a blender but would love to start juicing too! Thanks for sharing your recipes and tips with us.
  6. So nice of you to do this!! And your website is awesome!! I wanted to buy a Breville juicer for so long now, completely in love with their juicers!! Fingers crossed!!! :)
  7. I love you on FB and try your recipes all the time. I have EDS and both my children ages 8 and 6 have it too. I also am gluten and dairy free along with my daughter who is severely allergic to dairy/whey. This juicer would be GREAT for our family since popcicles and veggie/fruit drinks are what we live for!! I currently use a blender which has seen it's better days. It's so nice that they were able to donate a juicer for you to give away. I am in the non-profit world and little things like this make a HUGE difference. Good luck to everyone! And thanks for your blog, website and recipes!! I am a huge 'liker' of your page!
    1. This giveaway is now closed. I am running another giveaway for a food processor now.

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