Stir fries are a great way to use up any veggies from the fridge that may be going bad. They don’t take long to make. Often, I will cut the veggies the day before so all I have to do is throw everything in the pan for a few minutes. We also make a big batch of the sauce and refrigerate what we don’t use. The sauce keeps for quite a while in a air tight container.
For those of you that don’t know what tempeh is (I didn’t until 6 months ago), it is made from soybeans. Unlike tofu, which is airy and spongy, it is made from fermented whole soybeans which are packed into a cake like form. It has an earthy, nutty like flavor. It packs twice the amount of fiber and protein than tofu does.
It is my favorite vegan protein.
Vegetable Stir Fry
Tempeh Vegetable Stir Fry

- 1 pkg tempeh (Please try to buy orgainic. Soybeans are usually filled with GMOs)
- 1 large head of broccoli stalk removed (My 3 yr old calls them little trees)
- 2 carrots shredded
- 1 bell pepper cut into thin sliced
- 1 pkg mushrooms
- 2 T toasted sesame oil
For the sauce
- 1/2 cup organic soy sauce (I use SanJ Organic Shoyu)
- 2 T mirin
- 1 T brown sugar
- 1 tsp umaboshi vinegar
- 1-2 tsp garlic