Warm Mocha Breakfast Quinoa

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by REBBL, but all opinions are my own.  Thanks for supporting the brands that I love.

I think I found my new favorite flavor of REBBL coconut milk elixirs.  The Maca Cold-Brew.  If you are a lover of all things coffee, then you will LOVE it too.  I used it to make this Warm Mocha Breakfast Quinoa.  This is healthy breakfast is a must try!  Eating healthy does not mean you have to sacrifice flavor.

warm mocha breakfast quinoa

Did you indulge over the holidays?  I know I ate and drank my fair share!  That is what December is all about, right?  Well, New Year, New You! January is the perfect time to start over and make health a priority again.  Eating healthy does not mean you need to miss out on great food and drinks!

Here are some things I do to stay healthy and maintain balance.

  1. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables: Make sure to eat dark leafy greens with least 2 meals a day. I often in the form of green smoothies.  I also snack on other veggies and fruits throughout the day.
  2. Drink water: Try to set a goal of 8 (8-ounce) glasses per day.
  3. Exercise: This is so important.  I try to shoot for at least 30 minutes a day 5 times a week.  It can be something as little as parking further away from the stores, or just taking the dog for a long walk.  You can also find lots of free workout videos on You Tube you can do from home.
  4. Maintain a healthy relationship with food: You have to allow yourself healthy indulgences once and a while too.  It’s all about balance. REBBL is the perfect way to do that.  Their drinks taste good AND they are good for you!

All REBBL coconut milk elixirs are organic, fair trade, dairy free, gluten free and they contain super herbs.  REBBL’s Maca Cold-Brew is made from Fair Trade cold brewed coffee, coconut milk and the super herb maca root. You can see the full ingredient list hereAll organic ingredients. Maca is used to enhance vitality and stamina and it can also help balance hormones.

Another great thing about REBBL is that they have direct relationship with the grower families through a fair trade program.  So you really can understand where the ingredients come from.


Warm Mocha Breakfast Quinoa 1

REBBL also donates 2.5% of revenue to Not For Sale to support regions that are vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation.  So every time you purchase a bottle of REBBL, you are helping a good cause.  To learn more about Not For Sale, you can click here.

Warm Mocha Breakfast Quinoa 2

To find REBBL products near you, you can use their store locator.


REBBL would like to give away 1 case of coconut milk elixirs to a lucky reader! 

Open to US residents only.  To enter, leave me a comment under this blog post with your health tips! Giveaway ends on 1/29/17. Good luck!

REBBL is also hosting their own New Year, Why Not REBBL? sweepstakes for a huge prize pack including a KitchenAid® Pro Line® Series Blender.  You can enter that via this link.

Warm Mocha Breakfast Quinoa

Warm Mocha Breakfast Quinoa

Prep Time 1 min Cook Time 5 min Serves 1-2 servings     adjust servings

Enjoy dessert for breakfast with this Warm Mocha Breakfast Quinoa. Free of refined sugars. Vegan and gluten free.



  1. In a sauce pan, on medium heat, combine all the ingredients and cook only until everything looks well mixed. Serve immediately for best results.


Recipe Notes

For best results, serve immediately. This can be stored in the fridge for 1-2 days. Enjoy!

Warm Mocha Breakfast Quinoa P

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82 thoughts to “Warm Mocha Breakfast Quinoa”

  1. My health tip is to make a commitment as soon as you know what you need. If you are committed to change, you can make it happen. I really need to make a commitment to health. I've been terrible lately. This month, I started yoga and I've been tracking what I eat. It's always good to have some awesome sounding recipes to turn to for those cravings. I've never tried REBBL. It sounds interesting. I haven't seen it locally. I would like to give it a try.
  2. To make sure I eat breakfast every day, also pack lunch and healthy snacks so I won't make bad decisions at work. Also, need to pick up my water drinking.
  3. I stay inspired by staying plugged in to healthy plant based podcasts and youtube videos. That and looking up and trying healthy recipes , keep me very inspired :)
    1. Which podcasts do you recommend? I love podcasts, but I usually listen to blogging ones. I would love to hear more about healthy living podcasts as well/ :)
  4. Drink 2 glasses of water first thing in the morning. This helps you to rehydrate from sleeping overnight while starting your day focused on the need to stay hydrated all day.
  5. This sounds delicious! Thank you. My health tip is for anyone with histamine issues. A tremendous home remedy for relief it thyme! Cook with it, toss it fresh in salads and make a tincture and keep it with you. Order soda water when you're out and drop a dropper full in. Drink in water or juice at home. It's s miracle worker for histamine intolerance!
  6. This sounds delicious!! I keep my fridge full of fresh organic foods and batch cook so there is always something available to eat that is healthy and clean. Reduces need/desire to get take out or go out to eat.
  7. Thanks for the recipe - looking forward to trying it! My tip is to check out your local library for new cookbooks. I've discovered so many new recipes and it's a great way to preview a book before permanently adding to your collection.
  8. Before I learned to love water and drink plenty of it, I would put 8 rubber bands around my cup for the day and remove one each time drank one. Then I could make certain I was getting enough water each day!
  9. Great health tips, ladies!! Two of my favorites were given already: getting good sleep (I try to be in bed by 9:00) and two cups of water to start the day. Other things I like to do to feel great are these: When at all possible, exercise in the fresh air. Get your lungs filled with that clean, fresh oxygen! And sunshine!! What a great mood booster! Especially in these winter months...
  10. My biggest health tip is to be prepared, be flexible and have balance. No amount of physical health is worth the cost of mental health either!
  11. My health tip: drink pure water, exercise and eat your vegetables. I have not seen Rebel in our little 'ole Montana town of Great Falls in my health food store 2J's or at SuperOne I am definitely interested in trying this brand and this recipe
  12. My health tip is for anyone who has recurrent bladder infections like I have for 30 years. I finally found my "miracle " and have only had one in six months ( vs one every other month). I take a tsp of Oil of Oregano Juice ( not oil) 3x a day! It tastes nasty but does the job with no side effects.
  13. In these winter months, I include ginger root to my fruit and vegetable medley juicing. Ginger is known to help treat the common cold, flu-like symptoms, headache and also helps digestion. It also adds a nice kick to the morning!
  14. Eat real food, not processed things with a million ingredients that you can't pronounce...also get 7-8 hours of sleep, drink plenty of good old fashion water and exercise every day throughout the day. :o)

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