Blueberry Chia Jam is super easy to make! I first got the idea of doing a chia seed jam from my friend Miryam over at Did I mention she is also selling an ebook? Check it out if you get the chance.
Her recipes are great! Anyway, she came up with this recipe and I knew I had to make it! I used blueberry instead of raspberry for mine.
On Saturday, we picked up our co-op basket. This week, there was an optional add-on for 12 pints of organic blueberries. So we took it! I already had used some of them to make my Grain Free Blueberry Tart. So with some of the remaining blueberries, I made this jam. Adapted from
This healthy chia jam should last at least a week in the fridge. You can also freeze it for longer. It makes about 2 cups worth. It also makes a great filling for my Blueberry Crumb Bars or my homemade Nutri-Grain Bars.
You can really use any fruit you like to make this. I have also used apples and peaches and both jams turned out great. The apple spice jam was great for Fall. You can also put it in overnight oats. Yum!
Blueberry Chia Jam
Blueberry Chia Jam

- 2 cups fresh blueberries
- 1/4 cup chia seeds
- 2-3 T maple syrup
- Combine all ingredients in a food processor and pulse until everything is well mixed.
- Put the mixture in a covered container and place in the fridge for a good 3 to 4 hours.
Recipe Notes
Once it’s set, use it as a topping for yogurt, on toast or even on waffles instead of syrup. My two year old absolutely loved it. Then again she does love anything chia seed related. She tears up my chia seed pudding . Enjoy!
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